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Cybersecurity Advisory

CMMC Assessment Readiness

DIB Partners: CMMC Certification is Within Reach

CMMC 2.0 enforces the protection of controlled unclassified information (CUI) created and shared between the DoD, its contractors, and subcontractors.

Achieving CMMC certification is more than a checkbox. With the OMB publishing the CMMC Rule the clock is officially ticking. Once the Rule is final, CMMC certification will be a prerequisite for all contractors and subcontractors to continue or start doing business with the Department of Defense (DoD). CMMC certification for these organizations is both a business enabler and a competitive advantage.

However, preparing for CMMC is an involved process, even for CMMC self-assessments. DIB members that haven’t started preparing for their CMMC certification assessments must be aware that the time to become assessment-ready will likely extend beyond the Rule becoming final.

The time to start is now. It’s time to get expert help.

Trusted by DOD Suppliers

CMMC certification is more than just a formality for suppliers; it’s your gateway to new business opportunities. Yet, staying on top of the ever-evolving requirements can be challenging.

At Summit, our team of CMMC Registered Practitioners offer the experience and expert support you need in preparing for your CMMC assessment. Gain a competitive advantage with Summit.

CMMC Assessment Readiness Services

Meet the CMMC standards with unwavering confidence.

Your Assessment & Assessment Advocacy Copilot:

 Step into assessments equipped with an experienced advocate at your side. We champion your interests, facilitate effective communication with assessors, and ensure a seamless process.

Why Choose Us?

  •      Expert Guidance: Leverage our extensive knowledge of CMMC standards for guidance.
  •     Reduced Assessment Anxiety: Receive dedicated support to navigate audits confidently.
  •     Assessment Partnership: We act as your assessment wingman, identifying gaps, advising on remediation, and supporting you during the assessment.

Why Choose Summit Security Group?

Your Success is our Priority

  • Expertise: Almost a decade supporting NIST 171 compliance
  • Up-to-date: Constantly updated with the latest CMMC standards and guidelines.
  • Comprehensive: From assessment prep to initial certification and beyond to ongoing support – we’ve got you covered.

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Navigating the Muddy Waters of CMMC

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Frequently Asked Questions

CMMC 2.0, or the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification 2.0, is a contract requirement for Defense Industrial Base (DIB) contractors to do business with the Department of Defense (DoD). Compliance is measured by achieving appropriate certification at one of three levels, every three years; and by affirming compliance with the requirements in the off years between assessments. The requirements vary from level to level increasing in rigor from Level 1 to Level 3

 Department of Defense (DoD) contractors and subcontractors that will process, store, or transmit Federal Contact Information (FCI) or Federally Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). CMMC requirements apply will apply to all DoD solicitations and contracts requiremend defense contractors and subcontractors to process, store, or transmit FCI or CUI. Any entity within the DoD supply chain, including subcontractors and those receiving derived funding, must adhere to one of the three maturity levels established by CMMC 2.0 once it becomes effective. Your specific contractual obligations will determine your maturity level.

CMMC will be rolled out in a four (4) phased implementation plan:

  • Phase 1 begins on the effective date of the CMMC revision to DFARS 252.204-7021
    • Includes CMMC Level 1 Self-Assessments
    • Includes CMMC Level 2 Self-Assessments
    • May include CMMC Level 2 Certification Assessments in place of CMMC Level 2 Self-Assessments
  • Phase 2 begins six months after the start of Phase 1
    • Includes CMMC Level 2 Certification Assessments for all applicable DoD solicitations and contracts
      • The DoD may delay the inclusion of CMMC Level 2 Certification Assessments to an option period instead of as a condition of contract award
    • May include CMMC Level 3 Certification Assessments
  • Phase 3 begins one calendar year after the start date of Phase 2
    • Includes CMMC Level 2 Certification Assessments for all applicable DoD solicitations and contracts and as a condition to exercise an option period on contract award prior to the effective date
    • Includes CMMC Level 3 Certification Assessments as a condition of contract award
      • The DoD may delay the inclusion of CMMC Level 3 Certification Assessments to an option period instead of a condition of contract award
  • Phase 4 (Full Implementation) begins one calendar year after the state date of Phase 3

The DoD will include the CMMC Program requirement in all applicable solicitations and contracts, including option periodds on contracts awarded prior to the beginning of Phase 4.

Preparation for CMMC involves understanding the requirements for the specific level you’re aiming to achieve, conducting an initial assessment of your current cybersecurity posture, and then implementing necessary changes or improvements. It’s often beneficial to seek guidance from a CMMC Registered Provider Organization (RPO) such as Summit Security Group.

Yes, certifications and assertions are requirements to particibate in DoD contacts. If an organization does business with the DOB, either as a contractor or subcontractor, or plans to do business with the DIB CMMC is a necessity.

Remember, the necessary steps to achieving compliance will likely take a non-trivial amount of time and effort, even for self-assessments. Leaving things to chance is very risky for business. The best time to start preparing for CMMC certification was yesterday, the second best time is today. Get started on you CMMC path with Summit.

Frequently Asked Questions

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